Saturday, 23 August 2014

Coastal Views

Scanned these images a few days ago, and completely forgot to upload. So here they are. Some coastal sketches, working round an idea.

Stupidly did watercolour straight onto paper rather than cartridge paper , so that's
why there's a buckling effect.

Action Heroine #3

This time round it's Hit Girl from Kick-Ass.
"So, you wanna play?"

Monday, 11 August 2014

Action Heroines!

Started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the first time recently (and love it!), wish I'd watched it the first time round. Anyhow, it's got me thinking about all my favourite heroines, and I've decided to illustrate one a week.

Starting with Buffy Summers of course!

Got carried away, and have done Beatrix Kiddo aka. The Bride as well.

Some watercolour and pen drawings. Getting into my mythology this week, always loved Greek myths, so this is what happened when I tried drawing some water nymphs or sirens, just some evil ladies I think.
Expect more in the future!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Long time no see!

Haven't updated my blog for a while, whoops! Been super busy, but will try to keep updating regularly again.
Felt like doing some sketching today, so got in some practice drawing the human face, haven't done any observational drawing for a little while.